| | Solid back end language to learn | |
12 points by pkrzysiek 17 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 22 comments
| | Hello,I'm a CS student and on courses and in my free time (constantly) I'm learning JS and (a bit less lately) C#. Looking at the job offers near me, it seems that PHP is the piece in the stack that I lack if they don't require C#. I don't know if this is just my local area or PHP is (and still will be) very important language.I was thinking about learning another backend language and I can't decide between PHP or Rails.I wanted to learn Django or Java but it seems that there aren't any offers for that.I have still much time so I can learn anything. |
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Also, don’t base such decisions on current job market snapshot whatever it is.
If you don’t feel like throwing up every time you deal with microsoft universe - c# is overall a solid choice, engineering and caree wise.
Rails is pretty big in North America, not at all in europe and it has strong bias towards startups.
JS(ts) is a solid choice overall - all sorts of companies from crappy devshops to faang on all continents use it for various projects.
Java (and other jvm stuff kike scala kotlin) is also a solid choice, but with a strong bias towards big boring corporations and large slow complex, often over-engineered projects.
Python has a strong bias towards AI/ML world. It’s rarely used outside of it for critical production software.
Ruby is a great choice for your first programming language to learn and as an example of a dynamic language with amazing devx. But it is limited mostly to rails based companies.
I suggest getting some commercial experience with 1 dynamic and 1 statically typed languages early in career.