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I launched a startup in late March, using Cloudflare, and had many similar thoughts. But it was an awful experience.

Because Cloudflare acts as a proxy, it gets in your way in subtle but devastating ways. First, the SSL support wasn't stable and I turned it off a few days into launch. That probably killed some traffic.

Then, I realized that caching was an all-or-nothing proposition. You can have Cloudflare cache your assets, but it doesn't seem to respect expires headers. You can set a cache time in the web interface, but the minimum is 2 hours! So you end up creating a rule to have it cache no assets, at which point you might as well use AWS Cloudfront for a CDN.

I advise you not to use Cloudflare. It's a great idea, but the execution just isn't there.

Here's a thread with the bad experiences other HNers have had:


> You can have Cloudflare cache your assets, but it doesn't seem to respect expires headers.

Why do you expire assets at all? If it's because you are deploying new versions of the app, would it not be better to solve this by using revision-stamped URLs? When you deploy a new version of your app, just change the stamp and let the old assets expire.

This has the secondary benefit of ensuring that all application-served pages use the assets the page was designed for, ie. avoiding the race condition when a user gets served a page from app version 1, but gets the asset for app version 2. (If app version 2 has changed an internal API used by the JavaScript, for example, this will result in actual app errors, not just a page that looks a bit weird due to mismatched CSS rules.)

Invalidation is a challenge with any kind of caching system. Invalidating passively by changing the cache key means that the cache has to keep more old cruft around until it expires naturally, but it's easier to implement and works around the race condition problem.

I've had pretty good luck with them, although mainly for sites which were getting DoSed otherwise.

I actually haven't experimented with the SSL support yet. (we've been working on some better ways to handle SSL ourselves, which might be interesting for something like Cloudflare). I probably would pick SSL over Cloudflare if forced to decide between the two, but the $200+/mo plans support real SSL certs you provide, including EV, so I'd look at that.

I generally go with longer expires headers, and have dev vs. production sites. I don't use cloudflare for any dev sites. I believe you can manually expire everything if some catastrophe happens; you could also do that as part of the update process.

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