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Show HN: I made tool for slicing up samples to Ableton Move presets (github.com/alexfedosov)
50 points by alex_x 83 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 21 comments
I recently got Ableton Move and was disappointed by how difficult it was to convert samples into Move-compatible drum racks, so I made a simple CLI tool for that.

I hope others find it useful, and at some point, Ableton sees the need and provides us with a built-in solution.

Hi all, author here - to tell you a secret, I just wanted to resample samples from Output Arcade (not an ad!) to use them on Move. I make Future Garage music and vocal chops are essential

How are you finding the move? I was a bit curious about it but I still have so much to learn on my push that I can admit that I don’t need another toy ;)

I love it, because I have a soft spot for small portable boxes. it's fun and immediate. The downside is that it is an idea sketchpad, not a performance box

i have one as well and i find it immediately inspiring and playful but it's definitely something that gets ideas to 50% and then you need to bring them to the DAW... which I think is the intent.

You might want to check out Life by XLN Audio, which does some of what you want here as well: https://www.xlnaudio.com/products/life

(disclaimer: I work for XLN Audio)

I just wanted to thank you for Life, it's incredibly fun to play with it. I love the mobile app to record and then transfer it on desktop to experiment and find fund loops.

We were very happy to get that working as well as it did, the first time we've ever made an app (we're VERY much audio plugin people, not app developers). Worked really nicely in the end!

I use life and love it! It can't make me a ready-to-use Ableton preset tho :(

Yeah, fair, but the slots in Life are mapped to MIDI, so you can trigger them that way if you want, you don't have to use the built-in sequencer.

can haz discount?

nice! you should share it on the ableton discord. btw parts of the Move team will have a Q&A there later today

Do you have a link to the official one?

mentioned it there, thanks for the idea! I didn't know Ableton has a discord channel

Just wanted to say, your Linux guide was funny. Kudos to your project.

noice. i’m working on a similar cli tool for the octatrack.

everyone has done GUI apps for octatrack sample chains so far and GUIs are a right pain when you’e got like 50+ chains to make in a batch.

> noice. i’m working on a similar cli tool for the octatrack.

Is this public yet or dare I ask you to invite me to the repository anyways?

There was a software for Octatrack that stopped being for sale while the author finished up their 2.0 version, but afaik, it still hasn't released (so I've been unable to get it), would be wonderful with an alternative for prepping Octatrack projects.

shoot me an email on the address in my profile with something about the octatrack in the subject.

deffo not in a releasable state, started very much as a personal learning project, and not (yet) attempting to be a full OctaEdit replacement.

lmk if I can contribute, had this idea for ages too

shoot me an email i the address in the profile. id be happy to chat to you about it.

this is fire could see this being amazing for the simpler

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