`makedown` allows you to organise your shell scripts in one or several markdown
files, by mix and matching different scripting languages for various commands
and needs.
zsh/bash/sh, python, javascript or anything else available on your system.
Handy for replacing one-line-based package.json scripts or shell-based
One can also write documentation and explanations to various commands in the same
`.md` file.
Most editors highlight correctly most languages in the markdown code blocks,
even when you use several scripting languages.
Here is a demo .md file https://github.com/tzador/makedown/blob/main/DEMO.md
More information available in the
Provided the following `example.md` in the root of your project,
the defined commands are available to run from any of the projects subfolders:
--- Start of example.md ---
# hello
Prints "Hello" to `stdout` using Zsh.
echo "Hello"
# world
Just prints "World" to `stdout` using JavaScript.
# weather-tomorrow
Prints the weather for tomorrow to `stdout` using Zsh.
curl wttr.in/tomorrow
# generate-password
Prints a random password to `stdout` using Python.
import random
import string
length = 16
characters = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation
password = ''.join(random.choice(characters) for _ in range(length))
--- End of example.md ---
You can run any of the commands from anywhere in the project,
just by typing `makedown a-command-name` or a shorter `m a-command-name`.
$ makedown --help
hello - Prints "Hello" to `stdout` using Zsh.
world - Just prints "World" to `stdout` using JavaScript.
weather-tomorrow - Prints the weather for tomorrow to `stdout` using Zsh.
generate-password - Prints a random password to `stdout` using Python.
$ makedown hello
$ makedown world
$ m weather-tomorrow
Sunshine # prints more details actually
$ m generate-password
$ m generate-password --help
Prints a random password to `stdout` using Python.
The commands have simple syntax, they start with a header with a link and stop
when the next header starts.
Like so:
# [a-command-name]() A short description.
Some documentation.
some command
You can use other interpreters, like `python`, `node`, `ruby`, etc.
You can also use a custom interpreter specified using hashbang, like:
# [run-deno-script]() Runs a script using the Deno interpreter.
Deno has to be installed on your system.
#!/usr/bin/env deno run
const message: string = "hello, world";
All the .md files in the current directory and all the parents are examined
when looking for commands.
Would be very grateful for any suggestions or other feedback.
Thank you.
Make does:
- topological sorting based ordering of the dependency tree
- skipping of already up to date targets
- supports parallel execution of independent dependency subtrees
The webpage is totally unclear on this, and to me it looks like it only allows for a named entrypoint to some script snippets.
I'm a literal programming fan though, and this is a nice start, but i recommend clarifying the docs on this.