| | Ask HN: Windows Backup Solution? | |
10 points by jtotheh 34 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments
| | I am struggling to find a working windows backup solution. I'd like to backup my entire Win11 install to a big USB drive, have the drive be encrypted (or the backup encrypted) and have it be a simple tool. I've had some issues with VEAM's free tool and now EASEUS backup. On Macs I use Time Machine and Linux/BSD I use borg, and I'd really like something viable for windows. |
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Urbackup is cross platform, does imaging, include/exclude file backup and data retention policies that are easy to use. You can even restore over the network. Unlike many other backup solutions, files are stored in a format where you can get a hold of your files Manually, if need be.
https://dietpi.com/ dietpi can quickly set up your backup server within a few minutes on most SBC Single Board Computers like the Raspberry Pi.