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Thanks and thanks to the upthread explanations.

Part of what makes it unintuitive is the specificity:

  * Why Milwaukee and Chicago instead of everywhere?
  * Why carjacking and not a general increase in crimes that could be facilitated by an unassociated car (bank robbery, toll violations, etc)?

The phenomenon started in Milwaukee (the "Kia Boys" challenge), and I happen to live in Chicagoland, which experienced a huge wave of carjackings immediately afterwards. I have one of them recorded on my Nest camera in the alley behind my house. Nothing in particular about those two cities otherwise.

As the sibling points out: it's a broader issue than just carjackings --- but the carjackings themselves were novel, scared the shit out of people in a way that stochastic-seeming strong arm robberies don't. The headline here is: it was a gravely negligent thing for Kia to have done; I hope they lose their shirts.

FWIW the associated crime wave was much broader than carjacking (and I’m actually not aware of a particular increase in carjackings specifically due to the Kia issues but I don’t know) but the Kia issues seem to have started in Milwaukee.

For whatever reason, it became A Thing here more than a year before it went national. Car thefts in Milwaukee more than doubled (entirely due to a stupidly large increase in Kia/Hyundai thefts) and we got a reputation for Kia thefts before it became a national issue

I question whether Milwaukee and Chicago are outstanding examples. I looked at a few reputable sources and those cities nor their states seem to be extremes in terms of car theft rates. Most of these law enforcement agencies are not specifically breaking our carjacking.

Random presentation of car theft stats comparing Chicago to a handful of others. We hear a lot about Chicago because many have a vested interest in deflecting discussions about crime. When was the last time you heard about the insane motor vehicle theft rate of Dallas? https://public.tableau.com/shared/W2KZH4JC7?:display_count=y...

Hell Mississippi as a state might soon pass Chicago in murder rate per capita. Chicago last year had a murder rate of 22.85 per 100,000 while Mississippi had a murder rate of 20.7 per 100,000. Louisiana had 19.8 and Alabama had 18.6..

Chicago isn't even in the top 10 per capita. It's just a very big city that everybody forgets is a very big city.

"Places like" include Philadelphia. It's not a closed set, just some examples. I have friends that have had their KIA stolen this way, and others that have outright sold their car to get a different brand due to how prevalent it is here.

Why Milwaukee and Chicago instead of everywhere?

It wasn't just in those cities, it was nationwide. The poster was using those cities as examples because they are familiar to him.

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