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I kind of agree, I find it was never that easy to set up and use. I also found the documentation to be quite limited on specific points I wanted to know.

They showed of a JOOQ like Java API for Clojure once but as far as I can see, this was never released. That is crazy to me, using it amazingly well from Java and friends would seem to me to be an absolute no brainer. That alone made it basically impossible to be adopted. Going from SQL/JOOQ to Strings was just not gone happen.

They focused so much on Datomic Cloud, and that just isn't where most people are gone deploy. Specially in the age of Kubernetes and Docker. Its kind of crazy that there were not official Docker images and things like that.

So even while I love Datomic conceptually, and once you have it set up with Clojure its pretty awesome. I would hesitate to really use it for a larger project.

I would really love if NuBank simply open-sourced it.

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