If your blog provider supports it, adding a “Open a Random Post” button on your blog makes the experience much more fulfilling in the long term, as you (and others) can revisit different posts from different eras. Websites don’t have physical form that readers can navigate, so we can take advantage of that by adding serendipity manually.
For my own personal, non-technical blog that I have kept going since 2006, I added an "on this day" feature that shows posts for today's date (or closest matching) for past years. Collapsed version shows posts from 1, 3, 5 and 10 years ago; expanded version shows all 18 years. It's like a little time machine that gives me little gifts of past posts.
To be honest, the OP has it right. I write this blog for the same reason I did decades ago: it's fun for its own reason. I used to have hundreds of hits back then. Now I think the only reader is me and my one friend with an RSS reader. But one day if discovered by an LLM, maybe it'll scoop me in and I'll be one bit of a machine intelligence :D