If there's a handle you can hook into, anyone can carry ~20kg with a single finger (index or middle finger). For me, the limiting factor would be the handle biting into my finger too hard, but I can likely go up to 40kgs.
20kg is about the weight of a bag of water softener salt. No way am I carrying that from one finger for more than about 10 feet exactly because of the limiting factor you mention.
It’s one thing to be able to hang off a finger hooked over a tiny ledge, it’s much easier to hook a handle and lift a load vertically. Most adult humans could lift 10kg witha couple of fingers.
Except for a fair comparison with this particular drone, you need a figure for how much you can carry on top of your finger, pointing upwards, while keeping it balanced.
I deadlift about 60kg with two fingers (middle), I can easily hang on two fingers (one of each hand), so about 37kg per finger. Some people can do one finger pullups
As for the regime: just lift heavy shit every day and climb one/twice a week