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Ask HN: How has Airbnb's decision to merge PMs with design panned out?
17 points by trojanalert 83 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I recently was messaging a host on airbnb and noticed some small papercuts like the Enter button not sending a message (adds a newline instead) and sending a message doesn't scroll to the bottom so I sent the message multiple times unknowingly

So given this, I assume well for their bottom line but not as well for UX

I think they actually merged PMs and with Product Marketing Managers rather than with designers[1]

[1]: https://bootcamp.uxdesign.cc/brian-chemskys-change-to-produc...

Also, this is the model that Amazon has used for decades. PM at Amazon owns both GTM Strategy and Product Strategy.

While a handful of PMMs do remain, it's a shadow compared to peers.

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