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Imbue (Formerly Generally Intelligent) (YC S17) Is Hiring Software Engineers
22 days ago | hide
Imbue (F.K.A. Generally Intelligent) is an AI research company working directly on building human-level general machine intelligence that can learn naturally in the way humans do. Our mission is to understand the fundamentals of learning and build safe, humane machine intelligence. Here are our open roles:

Founding Product Engineer (SF, Full-time): https://jobs.lever.co/imbue/0764f1c0-89e5-452f-ab41-ff1d1ba8...

Machine Learning Engineer (SF or Remote, Contract or Full-time): https://jobs.lever.co/imbue/9411e2ec-502a-403f-a39a-0d44c676...

Research Scientist (SF, Full-time): https://jobs.lever.co/imbue/6c25a25c-35ec-4d7b-8d7e-40e9c4c8...

Software Engineer (SF, Full-time): https://jobs.lever.co/imbue/e66a55a3-a117-406c-9b07-8ba05504...

Technical Lead Manager (SF, Full-time): https://jobs.lever.co/imbue/9ce44b67-04ca-4da1-b845-6995c62a...

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