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impish9208 18 days ago | hide | past | favorite

> The all items index rose 2.5 percent for the 12 months ending August, the smallest 12-month increase since February 2021.

Important context from the article

Can the title be changed to reflect that CPI is up 2.5% over the last 12-months, driven primarily by a 0.5% increase in shelter? "CPI for all items rises 2.5%; shelter up" is not quite right.

That's not bad, right? Feels pretty close to the 2% target we keep hearing about?

Yes, that part is good.

But housing is higher than that, which feels like a continuation of "nobody can afford housing". That is less good.

(I mean, if the "basket of stuff" is balanced right, then as far as the net effect goes, it shouldn't matter which piece is high this month. But it feels like housing continues to be unaffordable.)

Yes, this is deep within the range of what the fed wants to see. Rate cuts coming.

This news feels in stark contrast to apples announcements this week. The price of tech hardware is not keeping up with the target 2-3% inflation. Will higher pricing for software make up for lost (in real terms) revenue for hardware?

Reasonable print for CPI

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