Readers may also enjoy Steampipe [1], an open source tool to live query 140+ services with SQL (e.g. AWS, GitHub, CSV, Kubernetes, etc). It uses Postgres Foreign Data Wrappers under the hood and supports joins etc with other tables. (Disclaimer - I'm a lead on the project.)
I thought NoSQL was supposed to take over? Noooooooo :( why learn complex queries when I can spawn unstructured and unrelated json blobs? It's easier! Or so I was told?
If you're looking at this, you might want to also look at fleetdm (, from which hosts that have osquery installed, can be queried.
We use FleetDM extensively. The community version is a bit limited (and I'm lazy to close all those Jira tickets coming from the integration) but it's really a big help.
Get all laptops with failing batteries - done
Sweep the endpoints for any indicators of suspicious activity (if you know what you're looking for) - done
Monitor policy compliance (or stuff like the /boot partition filling) done
It will never replace a true monitoring solution (like Grafana+Prometheus), but we don't need that on endpoints.
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