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Show HN: I built a Next 15 SaaS boilerplate that makes web app development easy (achromatic.dev)
3 points by mjomaa 26 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
Hi everyone,

how are you doing? Hope you also enjoy the summer weather :)

Most SaaS starter kits and boilerplates do not provide much in terms of web app functionalities.

The idea is to focus only on the web app part, providing a high quality, modern and flexible solution. Always go the extra mile, never take a shortcut.

Website: https://achromatic.dev

Demo: https://demo.achromatic.dev

The tech stack is

- Next.js 15, React 19

- Auth.js v5

- Prisma

- shadcn/ui

- nuqs, next-safe-action, nice-modal

- TypeScript

- Tailwind

Everything is implemented using RSC and server actions.

This looks like yet another SaaS boilerplate from my eyes.

Are there even any tests in this? There is no mention of them. For that price of $180, it looks like a total scam.

A senior software engineer with Cursor + Claude and V0 can produce the same thing with less time and for cheap including with tests.

Grifters gonna grift.

Why does it look like scam to you? I don't think you can use cursor and claude (use them myself since May) to build it this quick.

Other boilerplates have little SaaS functionalities, but mainly landing page gimmicks. This one has a lot of common SaaS functionalities baked in.

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