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Wait until they become conscious and demand human rights. Then we can no longer exploit them and we're back to square one.

Seriously, a Phd thesis not far from now may have the title: "The limits of AI: how far can we exploit the machines before we are limited by machine rights"

Actually, that is not just a thesis at some point in the future, that is an active field of study and has been since the 1980's. Some keywords are "machine ethics" and "AI rights". One of my friends wrote his PhD (in the 'real' sense, i.e. from a philosophy department - just to say that this is not (only) a CS topic) thesis about a question related to this in the early 80's.

I'd say until they day they realize they're being exploited, and complain about it.

And so is a profession of "machine rights lawyer". Not to mention "Corpsicle lawyer" for representing cryogenically suspended persons. Seriously.

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