Hello everyone! I'm exited to share a NodeJS package I was working on for the past two months.
The package is designed to simplify querying SQL databases through an array-like API. Qustar supports PostgreSQL, SQLite, MySQL, and MariaDB, and offers TypeScript support for a robust development experience.
It's in early stage of development. I would like to hear your thoughts about it.
- need to learn secondary API which still doesn't cover the whole scope of SQL
- abstraction which is guaranteed to leak, because any time you'll need to optimize - you'll need to start reason in terms of SQL and try to force the ORM produce SQL you need.
- performance
- deceptive simplicity, when it's super-easy to start on simple examples, but it's getting increasingly hard as you go. But at the point you realize it doesn't work (well) - you already produced tons of code which business will disallow you to simply rewrite
(knowledge based on my own hard experiences)