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Gallery of Graffti Removals (graffitiremovals.org)
42 points by gaws 2 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

This reminded me of a pretty funny video of a year-long battle between a person tagging a building and a graffiti removal crew: https://youtu.be/RwK4NmQZe64

Mutually assured job security. Reminds me of some experiences I've had going back and forth with an anti-bot team, as an anti-anti-bot team.

Always a classic this, first thing I thought of too

The info tab covers the “what”:

> Graffitiremovals is the largest submission-based image archive of removed graffiti around the world.

I’m interested in “why”, i.e.: why build a website for that. I’m assuming that’s up to the viewer; perhaps someone has more context - in this case please add.

The author of the website is linked to a book called "The death of graffiti" (available online, in German [1]), a collection of essays on graffiti (its perception, culture, history, commercialization, etc).

I guess this website was intended as a companion art piece for the book, but which one came first I couldn't say.

[1] https://menetekel.org/

I'm curious too. Are they proud that people spent time removing the art? Are they sad it gets removed? Want to show how bad they do their job? Or is that just another kind of art?

this is it, i feel it's just a different kind of art. if you look closely every one has a different method to cover graffiti and they are actually making art even if they don't know it. they have their own flair, taste. they don't do a perfect job so it's like a different kind of graffiti in itself

This is art

If you enjoyed this, I recommend the short film, The Subconscious Art of Graffiti Removal (2001) [1], by Matt McCormick

[1] https://vimeo.com/368367

I wonder if graffiti critique is a thing. Like art (or anything), most graffiti is unremarkable, boring, badly done and forgettable. But even a tag can be well done, fun or interesting in other ways.

It is very much a thing[1]. Modern graffiti is a large subculture with a multi-decade history and its own set of norms, customs and celebrities[2].

[1] https://www.reddit.com/r/graffhelp/

[2] https://www.reddit.com/r/Bombing/ (a good example of what "good" graffiti, as defined by the graffiti community, looks like)


But painted-over graffiti is also an eyesore. Who decides who deserves a whipping?

I see it as an art, but with caveats.

Its and art when:

You actually make a piece you put time in. And most importantly, you DONT damage some one else's property. Paint you OWN walls, not others. There are legal places to paint all you want without anyone getting hurt.

Otherwise its just being a big dick and a looser.

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