Although I've been using React for at least 5 years now, I don't quite like frameworks. For personal projects I sometimes use web component but they can be over kill depending on what you are trying to achieve. I do like JSX though. I think it's quite neat to be able to write HTML inside of JavaScript code. With that in mind, I've been trying to come up with a way to better create HTML dynamically.
Something along the lines of:
const req = await fetch('')
const data = await req.json()
for (const d of data)
For that, I end up writing this piece of code
const assignDeep = (elm, props) => Object.entries(props).forEach(([key, value]) =>
typeof value === 'object' ? assignDeep(elm[key], value) : Object.assign(elm, {[key]: value}))
const $c = (tag, props = {}, children = []) => {
const elm = document.createElement(tag)
assignDeep(elm, props)
return elm
that way, I can define a blog post like this:
const div = $c('div', {className: 'blog-post'}, [
$c('h1', {innerText: 'My blog post'}),
$c('div', {className: 'body'}, [
$c('p', {innerText: 'My first blog post'})
$c('div', {className: 'footer'}, [
$c('span', {innerText: 'Author: '}, [
$c('a', {href: '#', innerText: 'atum47'})
$c('span', {innerText: 'Date: ' + new Date().toLocaleString()})
Here's an JS Fiddle of that code - think this is a simple and elegant way to create HTML elements in JavaScript reducing the verbose of calling document.createElement() and element.append() everywhere. What do you think?
I like your ideas! I think you should go deeper. Have you learned Racket and/or ANTLR before? This screams to me that you are the type of person that should be inventing languages! Come hang out here:
My user test: