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I disagree. I'm in Europe. US patents do not affect me, or my code, no matter what the US law writes.

Whatever happens when you try to install it, use it, or modify it on US soil is not something you can hold me personally accountable for. (right?!?! citation needed)

[edit]Or wait.. Should we not even use github for this due to this crazyness?[/edit]

"I'm in Europe. US patents do not affect me, or my code, no matter what the US law writes"

Say that to Richard O'Dwyer.


There's a big difference between crazy patent laws and crazy copyright laws, but I see your point.

That's an interesting question. Does uploading a project to github from a foreign country qualify as "importation within the United States" ?

It would make sense that it does, but I haven't ever seen the point raised. Could github receive a takedown notice for a patent infringing project ? Could I be held liable for uploading a project (being a foreigner won't protect me from infringing US laws on US "soil")?

Anything on servers physically located within the US would be subject to US law. GitHub can be DMCA'd and forced to remove the project; you (as a non-US citizen) being liable for the infringement is a murkier question. Technically you can be extradited for criminal charges, but if it's just a civil suit, I'm not entirely clear how non-citizens play there.

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