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Such binary arguments bother me - Things won't degenerate to complete and utter chaos unless you go and add strict rules for everything. Good developers tend to follow the style of code they're in, and over time converge on a consistent style within projects or at least modules.

If they don't respect existing style, you don't have a "lack of rules" problem. You have a lack of education problem. Do code reviews. Point out to Bob that he's making the code less by letting the style alternate.

But you're sort of touching on what I meant when you say you don't want "chaos". If you can point at a code file and say "this is chaotic and hard to read - we could improve that by converging on style X or Y.", then we could come to some agreement.

Personally, I'd rather deal with slight aberrations in style than having a flaming row and angering half my team.

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