| | Ask HN: What books should I read to improve as a software engineer? | |
156 points by hopa 41 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 123 comments
| | I'm a recent grad looking to keep improving. I've read Clean Code, Game Programming Patterns, and Architecture Patterns with Python, and I feel I learned / improved a lot from each of them.
I was looking at Coding Horror's book recommendation list: https://blog.codinghorror.com/recommended-reading-for-developers/
but all those books seem very out of date.
Any suggestions for best books for software engineers in 2024? |
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It is quite concise (about 190 pages), but in my opinion, it includes all the essential information that the other books in that category would teach you. It leaves out a lot of cruft that over the years turned out to be non-issues (code styling, problems that come with object oriented programming, etc.) but occasionally - when the topic is popular and widespread (e.g. Uncle Bob advice) - addresses them as alternative opinions. It was first published in 2018 and is therefore not in the out-of-date category.
So I would recommend it as essential read, hands down.
If you want something a bit more elaborate: "The Pragmatic Programmer" has a 20th Anniversary Edition. It is a timeless classic, worth reading at any rate.
That being said, I wish there was a single consistent resource[1] that summarizes truly modern software design philosophy in the sense that it leaves the object orientation inspired ideas behind that did not turn out to be useful and focusses on typed functional programming. Maybe with examples in Typescript and Rust.
[1] Possibly a book, but not necessarily. For me it would be important that it presents a consistent opinion, so it should be from a single author or small group of authors. The information I have in mind is mostly there, but spread out over many blog posts from people with slightly different takes and ideas about them. The overwhelming majority of recommendations in this thread are from authors I'd consider part of the founding generation. I'd love to read about software design from the perspective of a younger generation.