It's the exact same alias, sans "--date=relative".
The guy from also shares his entire .gitconfig, I built mine from it and highly recommend at least taking a peek:
I almost never user "git lgt" or "git lgtt." Instead I mostly use "git ll", and sometimes "git lg", though if you're doing a lot of merging around, the graph can get a bit convoluted.
Is there a way to make the filenames in a 'git diff' stand out/coloured? I always have trouble figuring out where one file's diff ends and the next one begins.
+1 for tig. tig blame is also excellent, you can easily drill down to see who changed a line. Plus tig is a great replacement for git log since it launches in around 0.25 seconds compared to 1+ seconds for gitk and other graphical viewers.
Came here to suggest tig; one nice feature about it is that if you're annotating a file in the "blob" view (IIRC), the annotation information streams in as tig walks the commit tree backwards. This can be nice in a repository with thousands of commits.
Looks like Inconsolata [1] to me. The slashes are set slightly higher than the pipe, the asterisk is vertically center-aligned (as opposed to super-positioned as with Consolas, Monaco, Vera Sans Mono and others), a distinctive upward curve on its lowercase 'y', and it has a looptail lowercase 'g'.
This page looks rather surprising with Javascript disabled. It seems to be leaking all of the "behind the scenes" details which ultimately become the post, like this:
Just type in: git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset'
An open-source git client for OS X which I think is criminally underused is Laullón's fork of GitX at ... it's a beautiful and full-featured interface that feels right at home in the GUI. Can't beat the price, and it's light-years ahead of GitHub for Mac.
I use it and it's quite good. Can't fully replace the shell though. One thing that I don't get is why it takes a few seconds (10 ish) to make a local branch.
The final example with "-p" doesn't seem to work, because of the "--". That "--" shouldn't be needed most of the time, and can be manually added if you want to specify file names that clash with branch names, etc. Otherwise, this is really neat.
There's a __git_ps1 function that's included with the git bash completion script (edit: it works with zsh, too -- the __git_ps1 function and the completion).
If you like this you should already be subscribed to Destroy All Software: outstanding value for the dollar. I actually prefer Gary's "git r" and "git l" to this.
If you really want to skip on the awesomeness that is DAS, he has his dotfiles up on github that are chock full of great tidbits:
Is there a way to limit this to the most recent N (either hard-coded or as an input) entries? It's a bit slow to load when it has to load all of the history ever, and I usually only care about at most the last couple dozen commits.
The built in automatic paging in git already makes sure it does not have to load all history. And --graph is what makes it slow. Adding a limit with git lg -10 seems to take about the same time as with no limit at all.
My only complaint is, I write long commit messages, since the commit messages are shown in single line, it overflows the viewing area. so, if there are linebreaks for longer git messages, it would be awesome.
How do you keep track of such changes across machines? In a dotfiles git repository, and making a symbolic link to your git configuration stored there?
"Look, here's a pretty way to configure git! This can also be done in these 17 other ways, wheeeee! It's 2012 and the top article is how to configure colours in 'git log'"
Seriously, boffins. Stop posting this stuff already. Better techniques are nice, but good only if they're revolutionary (like that Light Table editor). We need more new, ground-breaking stuff and less arrangements of Linus's Lego bricks.
There's the annual calendar of "news" stories pertaining to major holidays, sports events, and political cycles.
If you've lived a few years (or decades) in any particular area, you'll find a recycled set of "places to go, things to do, sights to see" articles.
If you've lived through a few economic cycles, there's a very predictable trend through boom, cusp, bust, downturn, recovery cycles (NB: still in the downturn).
News is cyclic. Not everyone knows everything. Reiterating the basics every so often is necessary.
The challenge isn't not doing it, but getting the balance right.