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Show HN: Audiomatic – dubbed translations for videos preserving voice and tone (audiomatic.app)
5 points by AudiomaticApp 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment
Hey, I’m Lynn. My friends and I spent this summer building Audiomatic, an automated video dubbed translation service. You can try it out free on our website (no credit card, but you’ll need a verified email).

Audiomatic preserves the original voice and tone when translating. We can translate videos from nearly any language, into videos using seven common languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Mandarin Chinese, and Japanese. We support videos with multiple speakers, and generate captions for translated videos.

Optionally, you can upload your own captions file to use (either in the original language, or in the language you’re translating to), and you can also choose to remove background noise.

It would be interesting to see this tech used on films. I’ve always found it funny that in Eastern Europe it's still common to have monotone voiceovers on movies instead of dubbed character voices eg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhWY-Pgneqc

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