'm a journalist working on a story about quirky ways SF and Bay Area locals are using AI.
Have you used to code for you at work or write your performance reviews? Compose a break up text message? Create a meme for a inside joke? Pretend to be a lawyer and fight your landlord over email in legalize?
I would love to chat to anyone who lives in the Bay Area and has an interesting story.
I can offer anonymity to anyone who feels the way they use it is sensitive.
The piece is for the SF Gazetteer, a new local publication. I have written for Wired, TechCrunch, New York Times and others. Feel free to check out my website. https://jesseerynklein.com.
The most useful and valuable feature of LLMs imo is using the embeddings to enhance document search. There are smaller models that are just as good for this though.