In JavaScript tagged template literals have the ability to identify the callsite. This is really powerful and used to create template identity in lit-html.
I've wanted the ability to reference the callsite in functions, and lobbied the V8 team for something like arguments.callsite, but was (probably rightly) politely told no.
But if you're willing to abuse tagged template literal syntax, they're really just function calls, so you can do something like:
const dumbExample = (x) => {
while (someComplicatedStuffHappens()) {
const result = memoize(doSomethingVeryExpensive, x)``;
memoize() must return a template tag function, which will be invoked with a TemplateStringsArray (because of the ``) that can act like a callsite identifier, which can be a key into a WeakMap of memoization dictionaries.
It's mostly a curiosity because who wants that syntax, but it's interesting that JavaScript does have the special power hidden behind one feature.
Wow this is awesome, I just tried to thinker with this and you can actually build "lexical hooks" using this feature [1]. As syntax I tried with use`state` use`memo` and this feels kind of readable.
Wait this is very interesting but I don't follow -- how do the template arguments let you identify the callsite? I thought this was basically just syntax sugar for memoize(doSomethingVeryExpensive, x)([""]), but there's something extra on that argument list that's stable across invocations?
It looks like the first argument passed to tagged templates is always the same across all invocations for the same callsite.
> This allows the tag to cache the result based on the identity of its first argument. To further ensure the array value's stability, the first argument and its raw property are both frozen, so you can't mutate them in any way.
This is how lit-html implements efficient re-renders of the same template at the same location in DOM. It uses the template strings identity to mark that some DOM was generated from a specific template, and if rendering there again it just skips all the static parts of the template and updates the bound values.
Tagged template literals are crazy powerful, and it would be really neat to add some of that magic to other language features. If functions could access the callsite, you could implement React hooks without the whole hooks environment. Each hook could just cache it's state off the callsite object.
However, there is only one instance of the template literal, not two as we might expect. This is really helpful for some cases, but it definitely is surprising given the rest-of-JS:
I've wanted the ability to reference the callsite in functions, and lobbied the V8 team for something like arguments.callsite, but was (probably rightly) politely told no.
But if you're willing to abuse tagged template literal syntax, they're really just function calls, so you can do something like:
memoize() must return a template tag function, which will be invoked with a TemplateStringsArray (because of the ``) that can act like a callsite identifier, which can be a key into a WeakMap of memoization dictionaries.It's mostly a curiosity because who wants that syntax, but it's interesting that JavaScript does have the special power hidden behind one feature.