Hey HN! I'm excited to share Focumon, a gamified productivity app I built using Ruby on Rails & HOTWIRE over the past 6 months. It's designed to keep ADHD brains (like mine) motivated on tap, where you can collect and evolve 100+ pixel monsters by being productive with trainers worldwide.
Since launching 6 months ago, I've shipped 3 new features weekly on average (kudos to Rails giving me superpower as an indie dev), including redesigned productivity tools, 3 special events, and new Focumon to collect!
Try the main workflow without signing up - just click "Show me around" on the desktop site. I'm now working on Focumon full-time, with a native app coming later this year. Would love your feedback and suggestions!
The multiplayer aspect, damn that's so cool. It's a really neat idea! Though it does have the possibility to make things a bit too gamified. I'd need to mess around with it to see how it tickles my brain.
> It's designed to keep ADHD brains (like mine) motivated on tap
Maybe the only thing I'm a bit iffy on. There's a LOT of configuration, I don't know if it would help me personally. I will absolutely get locked into futzing around with the todo list rather than actually doing the things on the todo list if given a chance. I think some sort of "shade" optionally appearing over the UI when a task is started would be a good thing to do. Just write the task name on it and the time elapsed. Should have no notifications at all, nor list of upcoming tasks.
Same idea: I think "focus now" should probably be renamed in the UI. "Start Focus Session" would be a good name, using "Focus Now" for a button to start an instant pomodoro session with no goal. All of the configuration can get a bit in the way. Definitely embrace defaults. (Sounds rails-y heh)