Hi HN,
Spawn lets you build apps with human language. You can include images, audio and other files in your app just by dragging and dropping.
Here's a demo video where I build the game of Snake in 60 seconds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIqp7cvmE_M
As it’s still in alpha, you may need to regenerate a few times to get the app functioning the way you want. So far I’ve found it’s pretty good at generating simple utilities and games. Over time, as both Spawn and the underlying models improve, it will be able to build more complex software.
I have a bunch of ideas for future updates, for example:
- Allow users to include wireframes that Spawn will follow as it generates their app.
- Android support in Mac, Windows & Linux Spawn desktop app. This way, people can use Spawn to build for both mobile platforms using the same app specifications. Imagine someone living in rural India using their Chromebook to build apps for their Android phone, without needing to learn how to code.
- Enable people to build apps that have accounts and backend logic by autogenerating and deploying a backend during app generation.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
I recently used ChatGPT and Claude to help myself build a simple app for my wife. Just listing things and being able to edit them basically. It was VERY frustrating as both models get pretty basic things wrong around the plumbing stuff like configuring SwiftData or CoreData.
I tried it with a version of the prompt(s) I used in that project and I got an app that's just a white page.