Massive fan of age and congrats on its success!! On size padding, I know you've patiently listened to me before on this, but I'll always take a chance to advocate for an approach like PURBs ( ).
Let's say you're in a country that suppresses certain material, like copies of the Bible, or the Hacker Manifesto, or whatever; if the authorities find an encrypted file that closely matches the size of that material; that could do you in. But maybe a more realistic case is how the size of maps tiles alone is enough to figure out where you are looking on a map (, or the size of streaming video segments ( gives away what you are watching. Both real-world examples of size side-channels. It's not un-imaginable that someone could use a tool like age to build bigger systems like that, where the leaks creep in.
My age v2 note for padding says “use Padmé, see Colm’s comments” :)
I’m not really sold on the UR part of PURBs, though: age wants to avoid asking for a passphrase if the file is not passphrase encrypted, and age-plugin-yubikey wants to avoid asking for a PIN if it’s for the wrong YubiKey. These are tradeoffs and it’s not obvious the very end of the spectrum (uniform random) is the right spot.
Let's say you're in a country that suppresses certain material, like copies of the Bible, or the Hacker Manifesto, or whatever; if the authorities find an encrypted file that closely matches the size of that material; that could do you in. But maybe a more realistic case is how the size of maps tiles alone is enough to figure out where you are looking on a map (, or the size of streaming video segments ( gives away what you are watching. Both real-world examples of size side-channels. It's not un-imaginable that someone could use a tool like age to build bigger systems like that, where the leaks creep in.