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Thanks for sharing, always happy when my projects inspire alternatives addressing different parts of the design space. Here are a few quick comments based on skimming the documentation, let me know if I misinterpreted anything.

- signing support

This has always been a non-goal for age. It makes the UX significantly more complex, but it's good if different tools have different goals.

I can't quite make out from https://www.kryptor.co.uk/specification if it does proper signcryption, sign-then-encrypt (vulnerable to signature stripping and re-signing), or encrypt-then-sign (vulnerable to decrypt-reencrypt-forward, like OpenPGP). If the latter two, it's a missed opportunity to offer more security than age+minisign can offer and I encourage the author to look into it!

- sender authentication

I wrote about this. tl;dr age has authentication, but I am not sure what a non-sharp UX around it would be, so I don't advertise it. https://words.filippo.io/dispatches/age-authentication/

- post-quantum security

As https://www.kryptor.co.uk/security-limitations#post-quantum-... acknowledges, "the asymmetric algorithms in Kryptor aren't post-quantum secure". There is support for adding a pre-shared symmetric key, although I did not find the pre-shared key in the usage section, but I would argue that is not asymmetric encryption.

In this sense, I would actually argue that Kryptor is just as post-quantum secure as age: age's symmetric encryption (the passphrase mode) is post-quantum (see https://words.filippo.io/dispatches/post-quantum-age/). We don't support adding a pre-shared symmetric key to asymmetric encryption, but if you have a secure channel to establish a pre-shared key, you should just use passphrase mode.

age does have a third-party fully post-quantum asymmetric encryption plugin (https://github.com/keisentraut/age-plugin-sntrup761x25519) and I plan to make an ML-KEM one once the standard is out.

- key commitment

This is a pretty wonky topic. age as a whole is key committing (you can't make a file that decrypts with two age identities as different plaintexts, some academic researchers tried!). Our file key encryption is not (https://github.com/FiloSottile/age/commit/2194f6962c8bb3bca8...) which means that if you host an online service that accepts an age file and decrypts it with a passphrase and returns an error if it's incorrect, an attacker can do a bruteforce two passphrases at a time instead of one at a time. Given the online oracle is already unusual as a setting, I am not interested in adding complexity to solve this one.

- private key encryption

age supports that! https://github.com/FiloSottile/age?tab=readme-ov-file#passph...

It's not the default because most threat models don't need it: if you have FDE, who's an attacker that can read files from your disk but not replace the age binary in $PATH?

- indistinguishability from random

Not an age goal, actually we very intentionally put "age-encryption.org/v1" in the header so you can run file(1), and specify the type of the recipients to help plugins disambiguate files. The default recipient type doesn't leak any other metadata (i.e. you can't link age files encrypted to the same recipient).

- size padding

This is a good idea and slated for age v2.

Massive fan of age and congrats on its success!! On size padding, I know you've patiently listened to me before on this, but I'll always take a chance to advocate for an approach like PURBs ( https://petsymposium.org/2019/files/papers/issue4/popets-201... ).

Let's say you're in a country that suppresses certain material, like copies of the Bible, or the Hacker Manifesto, or whatever; if the authorities find an encrypted file that closely matches the size of that material; that could do you in. But maybe a more realistic case is how the size of maps tiles alone is enough to figure out where you are looking on a map (https://ioactive.com/ssl-traffic-analysis-on-google-maps/), or the size of streaming video segments (https://www.cs.cornell.edu/~shmat/shmat_usenix17.pdf) gives away what you are watching. Both real-world examples of size side-channels. It's not un-imaginable that someone could use a tool like age to build bigger systems like that, where the leaks creep in.

My age v2 note for padding says “use Padmé, see Colm’s comments” :)

I’m not really sold on the UR part of PURBs, though: age wants to avoid asking for a passphrase if the file is not passphrase encrypted, and age-plugin-yubikey wants to avoid asking for a PIN if it’s for the wrong YubiKey. These are tradeoffs and it’s not obvious the very end of the spectrum (uniform random) is the right spot.

re: https://words.filippo.io/dispatches/age-authentication/#on-c...

other than inelegance and the computational overhead, is there a reason why sign then encrypt then sign wouldn't work for this?

Assuming that implementation never skip verifying the second signature, and compare the signing keys, that should be ok.

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