I'm a longtime developer software developer with statically typed languages, in the last few weeks i started working on a couple javascript projects and i must say that i'm changing my mind about javascript, albeit i still think that for bigger project relying on statically typed languages is a better and safer path, i think that JS deserve a chance to be "really" learned, i'm not referring following the dozens of tutorial we find online that are pure crap (using dozens on stuping npm packages or using pre-cocked solutions without really understanding it's full potential).
Do you have any tip for learning js at it's fundamentals? internals, advanced patterns and everything that can relate to understand it in deep?
• If you like static typing, you’ll want to use TypeScript. It’s more work to set up, but it catches many bugs, especially subtle ones where JavaScript’s semantics are not intuitive.
• I learned a lot about JavaScript (and Node.js) by writing shell scripts in Node.js.
My books on JavaScript, TypeScript and Node.js shell scripting are free to read online and target people who already know how to program: https://exploringjs.com