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Lowercase – A simple way to take and share notes (updates)
6 points by siegers 47 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments
After receiving some great traction here a few weeks back (65.03k unique visitors/ 539.22k total requests/ +11x user sign ups), we rolled up our sleeves and made some improvements based on the feedback received.

→ Migrated the entire infrastructure from Heroku to DigitalOcean w/ Docker

→ Added functionality for data exports to markdown (take your data anywhere)

→ Added in a sustainability model with Lemon Squeezy subscription payments

→ Migrated to a Vite-based build system

→ Migrated from Vuex to Pinia for Vue.js state management

→ Made improvements to the reliability of our websockets

→ Upgraded from Django 3 to 5

You can check out all these updates now on https://www.lowercase.app/

documentation site - https://learn.lowercase.app

Thank you all for the feedback!

We're open to any and all suggestions for new feature work.

Focus more on user-visible stuff, things users want to use, in your communications.

A new hosting provider or build system may be a good idea, but it shouldn‘t be announced to users as improvements. They don‘t care. That should be the invisible part.

(dev here) Thanks for the feedback! Most of this is related to sustainability of the platform as a whole. When we originally posted on HN, that was the number one theme - future proofing the platform for users (this also included the subscription aspect) since the majority of the app hadn't gone through any major updates since the initial launch (~3.5 yrs ago). This was just to remain transparent in where we have been focusing our energy.

Hi, about your homepage screenshot: please don't use round checkboxes. Round should be reserved for the universally recognizable radio buttons, and square-ish for checkboxes.

Radio buttons are for picking only one option among a group of options. Checkboxes are for lists of options where you can pick all of them if you want.

(dev here) Thanks for the feedback. We choose circle to remain consistent with other todo applications (Todoist, iOS Reminders, etc). Semantically, these aren't selection boxes or choices per se. They are to indicate a completion action outside of the scope of a form element.

This is a brilliant concept which I would like to know if it’s open source and you’re willing To create another app using this as the backbone, my concept is a concept that will be the next big thing if marketed and I get the support of others willing to brainstorm with me. I’m a natural born problem solver and serial entrepreneur but im from a country that’s literally preventing me from moving forward… Basically I need the support of likeminded individuals with the skills and the technical know how, the main thing is an open mind with common sense…

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