After receiving some great traction here a few weeks back (65.03k unique visitors/ 539.22k total requests/ +11x user sign ups), we rolled up our sleeves and made some improvements based on the feedback received.
→ Migrated the entire infrastructure from Heroku to DigitalOcean w/ Docker
→ Added functionality for data exports to markdown (take your data anywhere)
→ Added in a sustainability model with Lemon Squeezy subscription payments
→ Migrated to a Vite-based build system
→ Migrated from Vuex to Pinia for Vue.js state management
→ Made improvements to the reliability of our websockets
→ Upgraded from Django 3 to 5
You can check out all these updates now on
documentation site -
Thank you all for the feedback!
We're open to any and all suggestions for new feature work.
A new hosting provider or build system may be a good idea, but it shouldn‘t be announced to users as improvements. They don‘t care. That should be the invisible part.