A few minutes ago I came up with the idea on writing an AI system capable to participate in an traditional Mexican game with a group of people.
In Mexico (I am from Mexico), lots of people like to play lotería[1]. So I was thinking in the process of writing an AI system that is able to participate in such a game.
It will need to hear the card that is being dealt, bein able to recognize the image in the board, mark the image, and detect whenever there is a winning position.
Most likely there are software implementations playing this game, but I think this is a cool project to get me started (once more) in AI capabilities.
What resources would you guys recommend me to get me started? Now, I am not interested in training a model because I am thinking already trained systems are capable to recognize objects even in the way the drawings are portrayed in this lottery.
Perhaps this is too much for a starter project and I should focus in a system being able to play Tic-Tac-Toe.
Thanks a lot and happy weekend!
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loter%C3%ADa
As long as you can find the documentation for OpenAI and stick with it, you will be able to do it. You should be able to get into the docs with a Google search.