Hello HN,
Mirror Cube is a Three.js based 3D model of a Rubiks cube variant. It keeps unscrambling itself doing random moves, but the moves are (ehm.. should be) synced across all devices.
I built this over one week and I thought you might find it interesting.
Let me know what you think and if you find any bugs!
It doesn't work on Firefox (128.0.3 on Win10), though. I only get a black screen with the countdown and the info button. There are no hard errors on the console but there are various warnings. In particular there are some warnings about not being able to reconstruct an HDR from hdri1.jpg ("Gain map metadata not found in the file, HDRJPGLoader will render the SDR jpeg") and about some image being too large for a texture ("WebGL warning: texImage: Requested size at this level is unsupported.") or buffers exceeding maximum size ("renderbufferStorage(Multisample)?: Width or height exceeds maximum renderbuffer size."). And from there on a lot of warnings about "drawElementsInstanced: Framebuffer not complete. (status: 0x8cd6) COLOR_ATTACHMENT0: Attachment has no width or height."