Hey everyone,
I’m excited to share a project I’ve been working on: a tool for visualizing and searching massive sets of images. To demonstrate its capabilities, I decided to upload the 5000 best Magic: The Gathering cards into it.
Here’s what you can do with it:
Advanced Search: Find images based on any criteria you desire
Image tagging and metadata: Cluster your images based on attributes
Interactive Filters: Narrow down your search with various filters and categories
Generative Content: Based on your content, generate similar images with Dall-E 3
Check it out and let me know what you think! Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Can’t really say I agree. It is interesting for sure, maybe even intriguing, but I don’t see myself using this at all. It’s a nice gimmick and demo but doesn’t seem that practical.
Still, thumbs up on the choice of data set. That and the uncommon navigation style still made me share the link with a couple of people. One of them did call it beautiful (unprompted), so there’s that.