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InteractiVenn – Interactive Venn Diagrams (interactivenn.net)
119 points by histories 3 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

Kamala Harris approves this service [0]!

[0]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edDnGiJStvs

Dammit, beat me to it!

This is cool.

I'll mention an alternative way to visualize Venn diagrams are UpSet Plots.

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UpSet_plot [2]: https://upset.app/ -- points to multiple implementations.

Ah, I've made interactive Venn diagrams too! Such a niche topic. Here's a fun example of a 5-venn (give it a few seconds):


I was investigating visual aids for math tutoring. Interactivity took a bit of work. Here's some alternative Venn implementations: https://wonger.dev/posts/behind-venn#prior-art

The 5-set Venn diagram looks beautiful (and is apparently by Branko Grünbaum), but is a similar symmetric 4-set Venn diagram also possible? Can't find any such example on the internet

EDIT: apparently not, from Wikipedia: "David Wilson Henderson showed, in 1963, that the existence of an n-Venn diagram with n-fold rotational symmetry implied that n was a prime number."

I've had an inkling at various times to make a widget or app or something for players of Diplomacy [0] that uses this visualization to make it easier to see activity in all of your conversations at a glance / select who to talk to. It always ends up being more of a 'fun' idea than something that would actually be useful, though, because the 6-set Venn diagram is so much more difficult to visually parse than just a list of countries in a "To" line.

[0] when played with "white press", which is where players can send messages to another player / to multiple other players, and the source of the message is authenticated. This is in contrast to "gray press" where the source is / can be anonymous instead of authenticated and "black press" where the source can be spoofed.

Relevant xkcd: https://xkcd.com/2962/

In case you need a quick Euler diagram (Venn and Euler are often mixed up), I recently found: https://eulerr.co/

This would almost certainly be more difficult, but I'd love if the diagram's relative sizes (optionally) accounted for the size of the sets' data – e.g. if set A and B have 2 items each with zero overlap, it would show two circles of equal size, completely apart from one another

I've just found this for the exact same reason, for 2-10 sets. The gradient descent is done client-side (Tensorflow.js):


I've stress-tested it with ~5 sets around ~50k items, comes back in seconds, well under a minute.

I've used this before, it's a cool idea but it only sort of works. For most non-trivial examples, there will be still be a big discrepancy between the visual area of overlaps and the and the actual element count. Claiming that the graph is area-proportional might actually be more misleading if it's not actually accurate.

To improve it, you'd need more ways to mutate the shapes to try to find a solution with less error. E.g. if the circles could be squashed into ellipses, that would probably help. Of course, some higher-order graphs can't be shown with convex shapes at all, so you'd ideally want to be able to pull and stretch areas as needed. It's a hard problem.

Wow, that 6-set visualization feels more asymmetric than 2,3,4,5. Is there an upper bound to the number of sets you can visualize in 2D, and how about 3D?

I don't think there's any bound to 2D visualizations. The challenge seems to be constructing symmetric or useful visualizations, which has kept people busy up to n=11 apparently: https://www.combinatorics.org/files/Surveys/ds5/ds5v3-2005/V...

Interesting that this was published in a bioinformatics journal.

I was at ISMB [0] and BOSC [1] conferences earlier this month and Venn and Euler diagrams were all over the poster session. Not sure why, but biologists love them!

I wrote an implementation of Venn and Euler diagrams for the bioinformatics data visualization application Cytoscape many years ago [2]. Sigh, thick clients in Java haven't aged all that well.

[0] - https://www.iscb.org/ismb2024/home

[1] - https://www.open-bio.org/events/bosc-2024/

[2] - https://apps.cytoscape.org/apps/vennandeulerdiagrams

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