Neat! The website is pretty slick. If you would ever consider it, being able to chain up transforms would be useful! Just piping 2 or 3 together, pipes like
could be useful for 1-off "I'm trying to read mangled text from a bad OCR pdf" cases. Bonus points if settings could be encoded in the URL, so you can book mark the whole pipe and it's settings.
Also one other minor thing, I always like when case transforms write their name in the case mode, like Train-Case or Pascal_Snake_Case. I just find the names really obtuse, it's just easier to skim if you can see a sample of it.
normalize-text-spacing => fix-distance-between-paragraphs-and-lines => remove-diacritics
could be useful for 1-off "I'm trying to read mangled text from a bad OCR pdf" cases. Bonus points if settings could be encoded in the URL, so you can book mark the whole pipe and it's settings.
Also one other minor thing, I always like when case transforms write their name in the case mode, like Train-Case or Pascal_Snake_Case. I just find the names really obtuse, it's just easier to skim if you can see a sample of it.