For a project of mine, I have the need for Clickhouse for data analysis. Hosting it myself is pretty cost-effective because I can get a 16c/32t / 128GB RAM dedicated server from OVH for <$100/month and it runs without too many issues.
The problem I’m having is that I don’t really want to be responsible for managing that infrastructure. Having to stay on top of OS updates, automated backup, monitoring, ... is an expensive use of my time when I could be using it to work on my actual project. I’ve looked at a few managed providers, and they all have absurdly high costs. I’d happily pay 2-4x more than I’m paying OVH monthly right now for a managed solution, but since the options I can find all run in The Cloud(tm), the pricing is more like 10-40x more, and I can’t justify that.
Are there any managed database providers that DON’T have such high pricing?
• Idling - your cluster will scale to zero during periods of inactivity. If this is a relatively ad-hoc data analysis project, you'll benefit from the usage-based model (ie - if you're only actively running queries 10% of the time, you won't pay for the other 90%)
• Autoscaling — similar to above, if your workload is fairly bursty, your cluster will scale up and down based on resource demand
• 'Development' tier clusters — given the OVH specs listed, likely this isn't a good fit, but depending on your workload, the 2x8GiB setup can be a very cost-effective option
Happy to chat further about your workload and potential cost optimizations that can be made in ClickHouse Cloud if you're interested — email in my profile.
Disclaimer: I work for ClickHouse