What resources do you recommend for learning Haskell?
I am working my way through “Learn You a Haskell for the greater good”
I also have a side project to learn things by doing, but was wondering what the most recommended learning sources were which people found very useful.
I find Haskell very useful for my projects, but to achieve this I restrict myself to the basic subset of the language (Haskell 2010, no fancy extensions such as type families or GADTs) and use few libraries aside from the core libraries. New features and libraries always carry a high learning curve in Haskell and less popular libraries can be buggy. Instead, you will often be more productive just writing the required functionality from scratch (and it will teach you more too!).
At Jane Street, I saw my coworkers learn functional programming in just one week. (some still struggled with monads in the second week -- if that is you, I can recommend Phil's paper: https://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/wadler/papers/marktoberdorf/b...). If you are learning Haskell in your free time and with no one experienced to help, it will obviously take you longer. If you have questions, feel free to post on the Haskell IRC or Reddit. Just don't worry that you need to read another tutorial before getting started :)