Honest to God I had a product manager who comes to me and says "yeah. we're going to kick off that FOO project so why don't you get a few programmers started on it," and I reply "sure, just get me some requirements," and he shoots back "nah, we're agile, we don't do requirements. just start coding something and I'll start filing user stories in jira." for fun I checked in a map reduce function written in erlang and dropped off a copy of Mythical Man Month with a printout of this image tucked away in the front.
it was our vp/eng's suggestion and we all had a pretty good laugh over it and I spent a bit more time talking about process with the product team (who were mostly decent people for the most part)
it was our vp/eng's suggestion and we all had a pretty good laugh over it and I spent a bit more time talking about process with the product team (who were mostly decent people for the most part)