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Ask HN: What is the state of other types of AI?
6 points by jamilbk 4 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
Hi HN,

This is a question I've found myself wondering a lot recently. There's obviously been lots of recent progress in the state-of-the-art for LLMs and generative AI, but is this progress trickling over to other areas of AI such as machine/deep learning?

If so, what are some resources to get up to speed quickly?

It’s good and useful. Some use cases in NLP have moved over to using LLMs, many use cases in NLP/vision are basically using pre trained models and adding some simple similarity search or simple classification on top of it. Then you have a bunch of deep learning and non-dl methods for forecasting, tabular data, search ranking etc.

Generative AI is is a subset of deep learning which is a subset of machine learning.

Note there are a huge number of other ML approaches, two that are useful in tabular data (where LLMs tend to fail) are




of which XGBoost is still winning competitions.

There is also the “old AI” based on logic that is doing well, see Donald Knuth’s notes on developments in SAT


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