I will definitely put a sample blog on the landing page. You can sign up to take a look it's completely free. The repo is in the footer of the landing page.
Hey, this looks fantastic! I really appreciate minimal software that does what it sets out do well without bloat. I noticed that your GitHub README states "Collect Emails: Create your simple mailing list". It just so happens that I just released a tool for completing the next piece in the puzzle by taking those email addresses and automatically sending a notification of your new articles to them in a newsletter (assuming Nucelo supports RSS). Check it out at https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40898313 if you think it can be of help to you.
Looks polished, but it would be great if there were some screenshots of the actual features, like the editor, etc.
Also, if there are ready instructions on self-hosting or even a container, it would be better.
There are no restrictions on image hosting. Only maximum size per upload is 4MB.
Nucelo offers better design than BearBlog and Mataroa. There is a WYSIWYG editor in Notion style as the content editor. With this, you can write format your writing easily. You can also connect your domain and use it as a personal website. You can share your projects and lock them if you would like. There is also a Bookmarks section where you can share the links you find useful and analyze clicks, from which country they were clicked, etc.. However, this will be in the paid plan.
Seems absurd to advertise a product you can't see until you sign up.
And where is the repo?