There's no force here, and hence no fascism. Having your license revoked, while harmful to your career, is not violence. Professional licensing boards and private lenders are also free agents, and can come to any sort of agreements they please. I would oppose any government intervention, as I already mentioned.
I don't however agree with any laws that bar anyone from practicing their profession without a license. If all you can afford is to get your tooth extracted with a rusty tool by a street dentist (as is common for lower classes in places like India), there should be no law preventing that from happening. It represents a consensual exchange. Making it illegal harms exactly the people who cannot afford anything else.
> You can take out a loan and spend it all on hookers and drugs
Lenders don't typically offer unsecured loans, for exactly this reason.
> the younger generation
This has nothing to do with the younger generation. It stems from from a definition of liberty that rejects implicit obligation, and emphasizes consent. We are all born into this world with nothing, and all must negotiate with the people already here for everything.
> Why don't we treat pensioners this way
I would be all for entirely abolishing taxpayer-funded old age security, which represents a quarter of the federal budget in the US. There is no consent, nor any ability to opt-out of this mandatory insurance scheme. Preparing for your old age is an individual responsibility, not a collective one.
I don't however agree with any laws that bar anyone from practicing their profession without a license. If all you can afford is to get your tooth extracted with a rusty tool by a street dentist (as is common for lower classes in places like India), there should be no law preventing that from happening. It represents a consensual exchange. Making it illegal harms exactly the people who cannot afford anything else.
> You can take out a loan and spend it all on hookers and drugs
Lenders don't typically offer unsecured loans, for exactly this reason.
> the younger generation
This has nothing to do with the younger generation. It stems from from a definition of liberty that rejects implicit obligation, and emphasizes consent. We are all born into this world with nothing, and all must negotiate with the people already here for everything.
> Why don't we treat pensioners this way
I would be all for entirely abolishing taxpayer-funded old age security, which represents a quarter of the federal budget in the US. There is no consent, nor any ability to opt-out of this mandatory insurance scheme. Preparing for your old age is an individual responsibility, not a collective one.