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Record Labels Sue Two Startups for Training AI Models on Their Songs (bloomberg.com)
30 points by megacorp 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

It's easier if you're not trying to make a profit I think. Eg. LAOIN seems to be weathering the inevitable legal storms as well as might be expected.

Yeah, because:

1. There is a text and data mining exemption for both for profit and non profit in the EU

2. Laions datasets are just lists of links to images on the open Internet together with their alt text

3. Seems to be a much bigger copyright cartel for music than images

Home AI Training Is Killing Music

(/s aside, all for this suit)


I think there is a fundamental difference between taping music and using it to create a generative "AI". Artists benefit when their music is more widely distributed (even at a loss) as it provides a larger audience for their merchandise and concerts (which helps them make money). In contrast, a generative AI model gives absolutely nothing back to the artist, and it never will. If artists aren't properly compensated for their work, at some point they will be unable to afford to produce new content. Personally, I want to support the artists that create things I like. Moreove, I think supporting artists is the ethical thing to do in this situation.


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