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While I agree with you, the registry is the windows way of hiding away config files. It's either the GUI, or it's the registry.

Linux alternatively uses config files directly meant to be altered by the end user. It's less user-friendly, but better than the registry.

The real crime is having a registry in the first place instead of a .config directory.

Kinda. I wish they had a standard format for the config file. Instead every file has its own special syntax, sigh

every program has its own unique style of settings; its a little bit of history repeating - see xkcd standards https://xkcd.com/927/

I mean, i'm aware, it still makes for a horrible experience

Yeah I actually miss the days of .ini files. They typically lived in the same directory as the program, so you didn't wind up with gigabytes of leftover tidbits from software you uninstalled or just ran once.

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