This is the third camera I've designed/made around the raspberry pi parts/ecosystem.
The repo has all the STL files, parts list, most wiring diagrams. The first one was the custom Pi Zero HQ cam which was featured on a Hackaday article/podcast.
The modular version (aside from being able to swap cameras) mostly has the latest software. Recently I added the ability to process videos in the background (ffmpeg merges wav/mp4 files together).
The camera uses crop-zoom-panning for dialing in shots with manual lenses. The menu is created by layering images/text with PIL. Live preview is a little slow as it's SPI based.
If anybody is a pro at python I'd appreciate insight on better code. I've mostly just followed a context-based folder layout regarding where everything is.
I have not added custom/manual settings yet, it uses auto settings for the most part except for when you use a V3 camera module (which has electronic aperture) then it uses the d-pad to set the focus/diopter value.
I have another camera in mind/future build although it's more tailored for videos.
Some sample video I've shot.
Assembly video
At some point I will rewrite the code for a new general purpose DIY camera software from what I've learned, that'll be an undertaking.
I would love to build a full frame mirrorless camera that runs my own UI. I'm pretty sure I could code a much more advanced UI than Sony or Canon.
Their current HQ camera is more like an LQ camera and there is not a huge variety of high quality photographic lenses available for it.