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Does anyone have any sources for differences by region?

I live in Florida currently, and my brother visited from Oregon. He mentioned that Publix was significantly more expensive for groceries than in Oregon.

Florida has a lot of retirees and vacationers, so I assume that Publix executives might say: "hey, if we bump the prices 10% in these tourist areas around Orlando, those midwestern snowbirds won't bother to shop around and will pay it without complaint. And, the German family on vacation won't know any better."

If true, this would be risky, because someone could figure out what prices are radically different in different areas at the same store. Pricing is so dynamic, and these production chains are so complex, it feels like an impossible task.

And, it would be fun to explore. Anyone know?

Publix is expensive indeed. Aldi is usually a lot cheaper than Publix and Walmart.

That being said when I visited Seattle area, Fred Meyers was more expensive than publix for groceries, and Safeway was selling $50 Orchids.

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