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Show HN: kankan, infinitely nested kanbans for procrastinators (kankan.quest)
4 points by lagt_t 7 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
Every time I tried to organize my life I always found myself on the receiving end of the same three problems:

- Overwhelmed by the volume.

- Discouraged by the effort required.

- Frustrated by lack of progress.

I always liked how kanban boards worked on my job, but when trying to translate them to my personal life they got too big and unwieldy fast.

I figured out that if I made them infinitely nestable I could solve the 3 problems at once

- Being able to break down the tasks into smaller and smaller subtasks until the activation cost didn't discourage me.

- Hiding the total volume in that nesting dimension, I can have more focused visibility and avoid being overwhelmed by the volume.

- Tracking even the most minimal progress kept me motivated as I had immediate feedback that my effort wasn't in vain.

Here's the URL: https://kankan.quest

It's free and open source. Currently working on multi language support.

Feedback is appreciated. Enjoy!

Love the name, and your domain choice!

Personally, I'd consider putting the copy about nested kanbans and it being open source in the centred text at the top of your page - these seem like the main selling points.

Also perhaps add a higher res screenshot image, and check out bootstrap and tailwind themes for landing page ideas. I used to spend far too long trying to get landing pages to look nice when there are already tons of useful templates out there that you can copy from.

Nice work!

I was a bit afraid of referencing kanbans so prominently because its not super ubiquitous outside of engineering, but I'm not super happy with the lead text so I'll try shuffling things around.

The landing page is straight out of bootstrap examples, its a centered hero + feature list lol


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