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Then sell?

I don't cry about the money I lost investing in startups I just keep investing. Why are you crying about the money you are losing like you are supposed to be absolutely guaranteed to make money?

The reason you aren't selling is because you are lying or you believe the government should bail you out of your bad decisions.

Who is going to buy a house occupied with tenants and a negative $1k/month cash flow?

Only someone who would pay less than the same house without tenants, which might not be enough to cover the outstanding balance of the mortgage, which means a short sale, which means you need the lender to approve (which they won’t).

But sure, the GP is “crying”.

I guess you are the former?

What incentive is there to own a negative income asset unless you are lying and you actually are net positive. Unless of course you are the latter and you are claiming that someone should bail you out?

"I'm completely underwater on this asset but if I sell I lose money" yeah that's how that works it's called an investment you can win or lose.

Negative cash flow is usually situation dependent. Is the OP negative because they got a mortgage for 100% of the price at 8%, hoping to quickly flip or refinance at lower rates? Ok - I'll pay cash, and without massive interest payments, I'll be positive $1k/month immediately.

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