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Ask HN: What is your best domain name?
16 points by orenlindsey 5 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 38 comments
What is your best/coolest/rarest/most valuable/most unique domain name?

I only have one domain right now, lindsey.studio, but I think its pretty cool.

https://onlineornot.com - I built a cute widget for it, and eventually that turned into a business

It's not the domain name that's worth something, it's what you do with it. I've had many domains over the years, and lots of ideas and missed opportunities.

If your domain stays a blank page or a corporate blog spam, it won't matter much and it's a waste of money.

Make the personal space your own, and build it _how you like it_, not how others would like it.

I had kar.ai for a few years before the AI craze started. It was at the regular price, I bought it from 101domains.

I let it expire around April 2019, thinking it was not a cool tld.

Couldn't expect my grandma/non-tech friend to remember ".ai". Right!??

Not sure how much it would be worth today, but definitely more than what I paid.

Ive got a couple that I'm glad I snagged

- https://hidden.so

- https://fantastic.so

- https://infiniteinterface.com (rebrand coming soon)

and of course the ones Ive snagged for me, my wife and my daughter

- https://ben.church

- https://michelle.church

- https://paige.church

- https://paigechurch.com

Probably https://wandows.com or https://fckgw.net

I also have a handful of some pronounceable 4-letter .org and .net domains

I bought https://fuky.ooo a few years ago. It was actually offline for ages but your question prompted me to fix it up again.

It does one thing, and one thing only: provides quick access to "fuck you" gifs (if your UA requests with an image accept header it'll just give the image, so it works for things like pasting the url into Slack etc)

Oh and I managed to grab <my family name>.family a few years ago after the previous owner let it lapse. I've not done anything with it yet (the family curse continues!)

I really like the one I found for the job tracking platform I'm building: https://rolepad.com. Short, memorable and descriptive. In the past I owned the domain name matching my last name, but never ended up setting up email hosting with it and let it go. Also at one point I bought the domain name that in the mid-90s hosted an online multiplayer trivia game I was addicted to (cosmoasis.com). Was going to rebuild it since the player community is still around, but never got around to it, and let it go as well.

How is rolepad doing? I remembered you saying you were scoping out what the paid product was going to be with employers

Hey, thanks for remembering! It's been slow-going, but I'm getting close to finishing the employer-side pre-MVP (table-stakes functionality that I can build upon later). For now pushing in the direction of improving upon the communications between the hiring team (whether at employer or third-party recruiter) and the candidate. The email-based back-and-forth leaves a lot to be desired, and results in frequent ghosting on all the sides. Tackling that for now. Got tons of ideas and have had a good uptake on the candidate side, now need to show value for the hiring teams.

I bought a few .ai domains in 2017 for 70 bucks each. Very basic ones, single word 5 letters or less. Most are worth north of 25k now. Funny thing is I almost let them expire

Not mine but I know a few people that have these interesting domain names:





I own the dot coms for my name and my kids and most of my nieces and nephews.

Tasklater.com and magazinejobs.com are probably my best domains. Defunct side projects on both.

https://warunex.pl - a play on words for a weather forecasting service for kitesurfers in Poland. A lot of companies in the early 90s in Eastern Europe ended their brand name with "EX", exp: Drutex, Critonex etc.

I used to run https://how-to-host-one-html.page , that one was really good and actually useful to a lot of people.

Nowadays I'd say it's https://build-100-websites.fun .

I thought nad27.net was pretty clever when I was a 27 year old GIS specialist/application developer. My name backwards is nad.


it is a project that I recent decided to do. I needed to test and validate sending email to international domains, so I got pünicode.com. My end goal is to set up a catch-all inbox so you can also test international local part. The idea would be to send él@pünicode.com and then you could go to a temp (public?) inbox that stores the last message (or few messages).

https://hextotailwind.com does what it says on the tin


- happy to sell if anyone interested

I managed to snag "wut.dev" (a rare 3-letter!) and have mostly been tossing personal side projects on it so far.

https://boardion.com - I think that's my coolest

I own a couple but the one thats probably the most valuable that im currently building a future product with is bloomberry.com

I like mine: willmeye.rs because it’s my name

i managed to get https://rin.dev very easy to remember

.studio? Not worth the registration cost.


I didn't even buy it, a friend kindly let me have it, for my training business

i have thumbnail.ai , willing to sell at right price.

Maybe mobileview




dotcoma.it, from the dot-com era.


of course!


Ping me if you want it.


I do all my best work on it.





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