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Show HN: Auto-matching and optimized carpooling for groups (antride.ca)
4 points by irisguy 6 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments
How it works: - Organizer creates an event and shares the link to it - People sign up as riders or drivers - 48 hours prior to event, everyone gets a text message asking to confirm. - 24 hours prior to event, the optimized carpooling routes are created. Right now drivers are limited to a max route of 30 mins long, will be more flexible soon. Everyone is messaged their route details, related rider/driver details, and drivers get a google maps route link to navigate.

Demo vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToVn8tVQ0cc

Frontend repo: https://github.com/kleenkanteen/ant-ride

Backend repo: https://github.com/kleenkanteen/ant-ride-backend/pulls

Forgot to add: Had some extra time after graduating and while job searching so I made this. Very proud of it as I wish this existed for off campus soccer/events I would attend.

when i click create event i should be able to put the event address and the pickup address,car seats,my name, i dont get why i have to click on the generated link to do all that seperately and on the generated link 'address' :https://www.antride.ca/join?event-code=kPK_d you mean pickup address correct?

I was thinking the creator shouldn't be forced to carpool as well. Although I can by default hide the fields to add their personal info, but if they check a checkbox at the bottom, those fields will show.

And yes, pickup address.

interface is confusing

how so

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